At CBHS we help you manage your health challenges. We believe in offering you the services, support and tools you need to live your best life.
Our Better Living Programs are available to support eligible members towards a healthier lifestyle. Each Better Living Program is subject to its own eligibility criteria.
Contact us for more information and to confirm your eligibility for a program.
Health and medical services in the safety of home
We can deliver an increasing number of health and medical services in your own home. While treatment at home was already on a growth journey, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that the service offering has evolved even more rapidly.

Stay home, stay safe.
There's no place like home when you're feeling unwell or recovering from an illness or surgery. We know that. Services from home are also handy for those who are well, but time-poor and just can't fit in the travel time to more appointments. And of course, during COVID-19, there are times when we need to stay home for our own safety and that of others. Whatever support you need, whether it's physical or mental, we may have a home-based option for you.
I have had multiple operations, the last one being a shoulder replacement. I received physio and a health coach for six months. They have been amazing. I am very happy to belong to CBHS. – Lorna
Many chemotherapy treatments can be delivered safely at home and so can treatments for multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s and other diseases.
Chemo@home is Australia’s leading provider of home-based infusion services and one of our recognised providers. Their highly-trained specialist nurses can administer over 140 different infusion treatments. They know that patients undergoing chemotherapy are immunocompromised, so they always take extra precautions to protect you, and your families.
We also have an arrangement with National Home Nurse (previously MOHIS), which is a national service, largely based on Australia’s East Coast.
Before undergoing any chemotherapy at home, your doctor will need to confirm your suitability for treatment.
Some chemotherapy and some immunotherapies are covered under CBHS Hospital cover. Call our Wellness Team on 1300 174 534 or email to find out more.
Specialist wound care nurses can dress wounds including those needing vacuum-assisted closure (negative pressure wound therapy), manage drains, deliver IV antibiotics, manage medications and develop treatment plans, all from the comfort of your own home.
By arranging care for complex or chronic wounds at home we can shorten your hospital stay, or sometimes help you avoid it altogether.
Contact our health and wellness team to find out more at or on 1300 174 534.
Care at home
Early mental health intervention at home may help to prevent a hospital admission. Or, the right help at home can help shorten a hospital stay. You can access specialised mental health nurses who are trained to help with acute or chronic mental health conditions. They can visit you at home to offer psychological support, help with medications. They can also provide phone or video consultations.
If you’re eligible for mental health care at home, you’ll also have access to 24-hour phone support. Call 1300 654 123 and ask to speak to our Health and Wellness team.
If you need immediate help, call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.
If you become terminally ill, we understand that you might prefer to be at home and close to loved ones whenever possible. Palliative care nurses can help you and your family by monitoring and managing pain, administering medication and helping with personal care such as bathing and dressing.
Palliative care nurses work to preserve dignity and choice in end of life care. They are experienced in dealing with grief, fear and anxiety.
The better prepared you are for surgery, the faster and more successful your rehabilitation is likely to be.
We offer ‘pre-habilitation’ programs for members facing elective surgery such as joint replacements. The service can include nursing support, physiotherapy, pain management, sleep hygiene, nutrition and self-care, so when you do go into surgery, you’ll be as ready as you can be − and more likely to make a good recovery afterwards.
There are no out-of-pocket expenses for members with an appropriate level of Hospital cover.
Rehabilitation is vital after a major surgical procedure like a joint replacement, or a major event such as a stroke.
Physiotherapists can deliver personalised exercise programs that help you leave hospital sooner and recover at home. They can help you work towards regaining your strength, balance and mobility and help you manage or prevent fatigue, pain, and muscle stiffness.
Occupational therapists can assess and reduce any risks in your home. They can organise and deliver any aids you might need and help you return to normal daily living.
Health professionals are able to come out to your home. Or, if you’re self-isolating we can deliver telehealth rehab programs that run remotely, for six to eight weeks. These programs include welfare checks and mental health support.
Read more about recovery and rehabilitation support.If it’s appropriate as part of your Hospital Substitute Treatment program, we can arrange for someone to help with showering, dressing, cleaning and light domestic duties while you concentrate on getting better.
Most of these services incur no out-of-pocket expenses if you hold CBHS Hospital cover. Call our Health and Wellness team on 1300 174 534 or email for more details on any of the above services.
Important note on COVID-19
Let’s stay safe and keep others safe too. If you’re having any treatment at home during the COVID-19 crisis, make sure you abide by the Federal Government’s advice. Always tell your nurse or health professional if you are self-isolating or if you’ve had close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus.
All information contained in this article is intended for general information purposes only. The information provided should not be relied upon as medical advice and does not supersede or replace a consultation with a suitably qualified healthcare professional